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What is The Importance of Leadership Development?

By Hanis SaifuddinNo Comments

The word 'leader' conjures images of people in positions of authority, such as your employer, lawmakers, governors, and CEOs.

According to some CEOs, they defined leadership as possessing entrepreneurial skills, such as setting the company's vision and achieving its objectives. Others concentrated on human characteristics such as empathy, humility, and inclusivity. Each of their definition was unique, and they were all correct.

However, it is not about a specific job or a person's seniority. Someone who has been working for a long time does not indicate that they have developed the attributes and abilities necessary to lead an organization. Similarly, being promoted to a managerial position does not immediately make them a leader.

Each leader has their own concept of leading, which determines how they lead their company's values and path. As the leaders themselves change, so does the definition of leadership. New leaders bring new leadership approaches, which have an impact on the broader culture and personnel.

Acquiring and honing special skills is a significant part of becoming a good leader. This is a process that is called leadership development, where leadership traits are built over time. Successful leaders come in many types and styles, whether at home, at school, or in the business industry.

The Importance of Leadership Development

What is the significance of leadership development? To sum all the benefits, it provides a fantastic opportunity for businesses to get a competitive advantage in their respective industries.

You may expect to achieve an excellent competitive edge by boosting the profit margins, recruiting, training, and retaining the best talents of the company, making strategic decision-making, and maximizing your success when implementing change, if your company commits to developing its leaders.

Increase Productivity

Your employees' productivity can be increased with the correct and continuous leadership. At its most basic level, it is about emotionally understanding your employees.

According to Daniel Goleman's book, The New Leaders, emotional intelligence is a significant leadership trait to a leader's success. Emotional intelligence entails understanding emotions and efficiently leveraging empathy to empower and engage employees.

Emotional intelligence-based leadership training can help every manager and leader enhance their emotional ability to reach a same-level understanding with the employees.

Increase Employee Engagement

We all want to know our progress in our jobs, and we want to be praised when we deserve it and given critical feedback when we need it. In fact, highly engaged employees obtain feedback at least once per week, comparing to only 18% of disengaged employees.

Successful leaders have the ability to give and receive feedback. You can teach effective techniques to deliver feedback to inspire and improve your people's skill levels through training.

People's ability to lead improves as a result of leadership development. Agility is amplified when firms look beyond nurturing top executives and higher positions to access the full potential of their talented employees.

Therefore, every company requires a strategic plan that is tightly aligned with the business values and prepares staff with the appropriate leadership abilities to carry it out.

According to the Conference Board, developing this valuable entrepreneurial skill has great potential in both shaping and transforming the culture and strategy of the business. As an example, nurturing, mentoring, and appointing people from the internal staff is much less expensive than hiring someone from an external source.

Make Better Decisions

Leadership training can help you choose the best leadership style for your business and the work you conduct. There are various leadership styles, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks.

Individual leaders might benefit from leadership training to help them establish their own approach to leadership that their colleagues will respond to best.

Leadership training can help you make better decisions. How? Because leaders functioning at a high level of emotional intelligence have the outlook to make knowledgeable and rational business decisions. You can consider your leadership training investment repaid just for that reason.

Consequently, companies that place a high priority on human resources have investment returns that are five times greater than companies that place a lower value on human resources.

Hence, investing in leadership growth increases the ability to cut expenses, generate new revenue streams, and improve customer experience.

What Does It Takes to be A Leader?

When most people hear the word 'leader', they envision a forceful, commanding, charismatic figure. People frequently think of powerful figures such as Steve Jobs or President Lincoln. However, to be a leader, we do not have to be extroverted or charming. Plus, charismatic people do not always take the lead.

Most of the time, to be a leader, you have to know how to push the whole team towards the same goal. You have to recognise what motivates each of them and what inspires them. Therefore, your people will listen and work together to achieve greatness.

Overall, each person in the company, including yourself, accomplish a sense of self-fulfilment. Truthfully, it takes only the simplest things to push us forward.

Here are some of the characteristics that leaders must possess to lead the company to prominence.

Positive Attitude

Successful people know that they cannot have a committed and productive staff unless they are happy and motivated themselves. This can be accomplished by being optimistic when things go south and fostering a pleasant and cheerful work environment.

Even small gestures, such as offering snacks or hosting a 'Happy Hour', can make a big difference. A bonus is that if members of the team are happy and acknowledged, they are more motivated to work hard and go beyond when needed.

Furthermore, even in the most challenging circumstances, such as poor team spirit or team members making tremendous wrongdoing at work, a true leader maintains a positive attitude and finds ways of keeping the team energized to address problems.

For example, Walt Disney faced his fair share of adversity and setbacks. However, just like any great leader, he persevered and sought out new chances.

Disney discovered in 1928 that his film producer, Charles Mintz, planned to reduce his royalties for the Oswald series. If Disney did not accept Mintz's demands, he threatened to terminate connections completely, and still, Disney chose to do so.

Nevertheless, when Disney chose to leave Oswald, he decided to create something new, which is the famous Mickey Mouse that we know now.

Breaking down large difficulties into smaller ones and finding strategies to handle them one at a time is the key. Consider the lessons you can take away from the error and write them down because you cannot always win, but you can always learn.

Being Confident

If they want to be successful, all successful leaders must project a confident manner. This is not to be confused with arrogance or self-satisfaction. People should look up to you for guidance, not to smack you in the face.

People will look to you for guidance on how to respond, especially if things are not going well. Group members will definitely be more likely to remain calm and composed if you do.

As a result, performance and productivity will remain high, and the problem will be remedied more swiftly. They will know right away if you panic and lose hope, and things will only get worse from there.

Elon Musk is a superb example of a self-assured leader. He is a firm believer in Tesla's success, as seen by his actions on numerous occasions.

Before Tesla made its debut on December 4, 2009, he converted 532,000 stock options at $6.63 each. Tesla's stock was trading at roughly $195 per share at the time, so it was a great deal. He makes no apologies for his convictions and has been chastised for his political activity by almost everyone.

To be clear, you won't become a confident person overnight, but the tiny activities and efforts you do each day will progressively build your confidence.

Embrace Failure

Failures will happen no matter how hard you try to avoid them and that is fine. All you have to do now is figure out how to cope with them. Great leaders are unfazed by them.

They maintain their composure while analytically considering the circumstance and making use of their resources. What they do not do is break apart and show their fears to their team.

As result, there is low morale, terror, and panic arise causing unnecessary fear from each people in the room. Even when confronted with setbacks, great leaders continue to lead.

For example, after designing and improving the Ford Quadricycle, Henry Ford suffered a serious setback. In 1899, he formed the Detroit Automobile Company, but the automobiles it produced did not meet his expectations and were too pricey.

In 1901, the corporation ended. Ford was unfazed and established the Henry Ford Company. The company faced financial troubles, and revenues were slow. However, it was not until 1903 that the Ford Motor Company became prosperous and put Ford on the market.

Hence, what we can learn here is to get to the bottom of any issue so you can avoid it in the future and learn from your mistakes. After determining the core source of the issue, you will also discover how to avoid it from happening again in the future.

Simon Sinek on What It Means To Be A Leader

Final Note

So, what is the significance of leadership development? Because when done correctly, it has undeniable influence in improving the most critical leadership abilities for their job performance, such as communication, influencing across the company, self-awareness, and change implementation.

Leadership qualities can be learned. You, too, can be a great leader if you practise often. When you work with your team, wherever that may be, make tiny improvements to your behaviours.

Although most of us are not presidents or CEOs, we all work with others, and our actions have an effect on others. This allows everyone the opportunity to grow as a leader and stand out from the crowd.

Companies can benefit from leadership training by reducing disruption and strengthening individual leadership skills, as well as improving employee engagement, retention, growth, and corporate culture.

Companies that respect leadership development are also better at developing their leaders and placing the right people in the right places, which leads to increased productivity. As a result, the company experience an increase in innovation and better financial performance.

“As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.”

Bill Gates



The Importance of Leadership Development

What It Takes To Be A Leader

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