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Understand Company Branding And Its Importance To Your Business

By Ze MingNo Comments

Company Branding has always been one of the most important aspects of growing a business, and it may be more important now than ever.

Every day, consumers have been exposed to new brands thanks to the use of social media, which generates a significant amount of competition for businesses. Businesses must invest in company branding to control how consumers perceive their company and differentiate themselves from their competitors to stand out.

Even though company branding is one of the most important aspects of growing a business, many people still get confused or uncertain about its true meaning. Let us dive deeper into understanding the meaning of company branding and its significance on businesses.

Understanding Company Branding

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, the term "branding" is the act of assigning a specific design or symbol to a company to advertise its products and services. This definition accurately describes the traditional understanding of company branding.

The traditional version of branding of the company focuses on the visual identity, which includes the logo, the design, and the development of a tagline or a brand promise. However, none of this helps differentiate a business from the other. Without a well-thought-out and consistent company branding and visual design, your product will lack the targeting it needs to give your potential customers trust and confidence in your brand.

The more evolved understanding of company brand building can be defined as the process of giving meaning to an organization by shaping consumers' perception of the brand through various activities.

Companies must meticulously convey a consistent message at every customer touchpoint. This deliberate approach allows customers to grasp a brand's essence and values, crafting a unique identity in their minds. It serves to define what the brand represents, ensuring clarity and demarcating it from others. As customers interact, they swiftly recognize and engage with the brand, forming a deeper connection. This establishes a compelling motive for customers to opt for a company's products over alternatives, in a market teeming with choices. In essence, intentional and consistent brand communication is the linchpin of brand identity, customer loyalty, and competitive advantage.

Marty Neumeier, an author and brand advisor from the United States, defines a brand as a person's gut feeling about a product, service, or company. Company branding is the act of influencing that gut feeling but focusing on the company rather than the products and services of the company. Here's a video of him outlining the idea.

Importance of Company Branding 

After understanding the meaning of company branding, you may be questioning why a business should invest in it. Here are a few reasons why investing in company branding is important for your business and how it can have an impact on your business.

Company Branding helps to build trust 

First of all, company branding is important to businesses as it helps them to develop trust with their consumers. When a consumer looks at a company in any industry, they expect to see the company's company branding to determine its credibility. Having a clear, professional-looking company branding will be perceived by customers as an established, respectable company and will foster an elusive trust factor with them and encourage them to try your services.

Consumers are less likely to develop trust with a business that lacks company branding since it has little to show for it, which may be a red flag for some consumers.

Company Branding can also be used to inform customers about what they can expect from your business. Combining the trust factor with unrivaled service and a smartly built social media presence will delight your customers and motivate them to return.

You Can Improve Your Advertising

Advertising is the lifeblood of business growth, and it goes hand in hand with branding. Building a strong brand is the foundational step towards effective advertising. Your brand is the essence of your business, encapsulating its character and values. Without a well-defined brand, creating cohesive and impactful advertising can be challenging.

Effective advertising seamlessly integrates your brand's identity and principles into every message and campaign, ensuring consistency and resonance with your audience. Without a solid brand foundation, you miss out on the opportunity to craft a successful advertising campaign that truly connects with your target market. When branding and advertising work together harmoniously, your business gains recognition and credibility, paving the way for growth and increased market presence. In essence, branding is the cornerstone upon which successful advertising strategies are built.

It’s Great for Your Employees

Branding is a multifaceted asset that extends its importance beyond capturing the attention of external clients. It also holds the power to shape a motivated and dedicated workforce. A strong brand communicates to employees that they are not just fulfilling job roles but are essential contributors to a larger, meaningful mission. This fosters a sense of belonging and purpose among the staff, which goes beyond the nine-to-five routine.

Investing in branding elements that resonate with your employees, such as branded attire and a workspace that reflects the brand's values, can boost their morale and job satisfaction. When your team aligns with the brand, it often leads to heightened creativity, increased productivity, and a stronger sense of loyalty. In essence, branding is a vital tool, not just for client attraction but also for cultivating a unified, motivated workforce that is indispensable for the overall prosperity and advancement of your business.

Company Branding helps you to be clear with your organizational strategy

Last but not least, company branding may help businesses build a clear organizational strategy. Everyone in the organization must have the same vision and purpose to build a strong brand.

When employees believe in what the company is doing and why it is doing it, their passion will reflect on the customers. A well-defined brand strategy provides the company with structured and detailed brand guidelines that embody the brand's purpose, values, strategy. 

This will assist the employee in having a better understanding of what the company is doing and why they are doing it. Employees will also understand how to properly translate and communicate the values of the company to its customers.

Examples of Company branding 

Branding is a cornerstone of a company's image, impacting its public perception, customer base, marketing strategies, and industry positioning.

Whether in the realm of sports products or coffee shops, the way a brand is perceived profoundly influences its success. It's not limited to visual elements but extends to the brand's core values, identity, and reputation, which collectively shape its unique identity and appeal in a competitive market.

American Express

American Express has been in business for 170 years and counting, but it hasn't forgotten its roots in advertising. Don't Leave Home Without It, a catchphrase made famous by the credit card corporation in the 1970s and 1980s, is a major part of AmEx's present brand.
If you stop to think about it, the main point of this sentimental video is really very similar to the current American Express brand concept.

Company Branding

AmEx generally views its target audience as being comprised of both consumers and business people, as opposed to segmenting them into separate groups. As a result, the corporation creates messaging that suggests how it can easily accommodate all aspects of the work-life balance act.

It places a strong emphasis on the allure and thrill of travelling and living abroad, both for work and pleasure. It also makes mention of how enjoyable time spent with family is. AmEx also supports locally owned businesses in an effort to gain the confidence of both owners and customers as the pioneer of Small Business Saturday® and Shop Small®.


Another example of a company with good company branding is Apple. Apple's brand philosophy has always been to think differently. They want to motivate and inspire customers to do things uniquely and innovatively. Their company branding is aligned with their brand philosophy, this can be seen in their "think different" campaign.

In the ad, Apple not only delivered a message that supported innovation and creativity, but it also acted differently by creating products that look and work differently. From colorful iMacs to iPods, iPhones, and iPads, Apple has constantly defied expectations by inventing products that look and operate differently and is always asking the question of "what's different about this?".

By creating innovative products, Apple wants to show you that not only do they “think different”, but they also want to encourage their consumers to "think differently". This allows them to shape customers' perceptions of Apple as an innovative brand and a brand that inspires its customers to be innovative, enabling them to differentiate themselves and stand out from other phone brands.


Mailchimp, a tech company that gained popularity in the email marketing industry, refined its brand in 2018. The company chose a quirky approach, using Freddie the Chimp as its logo and a sunny yellow color. Mailchimp also added expressive, dynamic illustrations with an unrefined, doodle-y feel. The company's written content strikes a balance between authority and approachability, with clear and concise information presented in a friendly tone. This approach is effective because Mailchimp's clients are known for taking creative risks.

Small business owners and marketers use Mailchimp's branding tools to share their ideas and make an impact. The goal is to make Mailchimp a beacon for its customers, who are growing brands trying to connect with their people. A memorable corporate brand personality is essential for success. If your business operates in a B2B space, consider using your brand to lead by example and galvanize your audience.

Final Note

To summarize, company branding is becoming increasingly crucial because customers are exposed to new businesses regularly through social media.

Company branding is more than just visual identity; it is about constantly communicating a particular message at every point of interaction a user may have with your brand and changing their perception of your business

This allows the company to shape customers' perceptions of their brands while also clarifying to the customer what the company offers that differentiates the company from its competition.

Therefore, investing and implementing company branding in your company can assist your company in differentiating itself and standing out from the rest of the competition.

"Brands are essentially patterns of familiarity, meaning, fondness, and reassurance that exist in the minds of people."

Tom Goodwin


Understanding Branding

Importance of Branding

Example of Branding-Nike

Example of Branding-Apple

Example of Branding- Coca-Cola

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